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Arms of Caid  
Caidan Search

  The Potter's Guild of Caid  

We are a small group of clay artists that work and play within the Society for Creative Anachronism.  This particular Guild is part of the Kingdom of CAID, with two current branches.  The first branch is in the Barony of Altavia (San Fernando Valley, Los Angeles California) while the other resides in the Barony of Calafia (San Diego).

The purpose of this Guild is to promote the clay arts through education.  All facets of the clay arts will be happily discussed at meetings, Collegiums, Wars and various events (both Kingdom and non) through the Kingdom of CAID.

The Guild's official start was May 11, 1999, our first meeting happening at Altavia Anniversary.  Since then, the Guild has sponsored numerous classes, meetings, and has donated items to various Barony's, fund-raisers and to their Majesties largess.  Currently there are roughly 40 members both in and out of CAID.  

All updated information on meetings, demos, and guild activities are discussed on the official Kingdom's Yahoo Group site which everyone is encouraged to join.  Updated research, bibliographies, files, discussions, links, pictures and so forth are also housed there.  Please add yourself to the mailing list here:

We look forward to see you and help you get involved in working with clay!


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